Monday, May 10, 2010

Still Searching

I'm really craving a khaki jacket for winter, can't seem to find a perfect one though... ah well the search continues. Thanks to the F Blog for the second photo.


  1. oh yes exactly what i've been searching for since the end of summer! and now winter's pretty much here and still haven't found one either :/ hah anyway yes daniella's coat is perfect, and i love her socks & heels.

  2. hey thanks for letting me know about this, no prob! xx

  3. love the socks, hot look

    come follow the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think

  4. i love the parka and lily's outfit is great. love your blog, im following you xo

  5. yes, yes, me too! havn't found mine yet either ;)

  6. aah i've seen so many of them around! i'm so picky though :D xx

  7. me too! I found some old army ones at a market yesterday but I've promised myself I'm not buying any clothes until my Paris/London trip! (3 weeks away)

  8. i found 2 this week (bit different to what i want, but still happy and they were cheapppp) and bought a wish khaki tunic the other day, things are looking up! hahaha x

  9. argh, i found a lovely one last month and didn't buy it cause i thought i have enough jackets.. :(
